Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Carter is 1 Month Old

You'll notice how much Carter has changed and grown over these past few weeks. You may also notice that thankfully somethings haven't changed... he still sleeps a lot! And he is still so darn cute!

Relaxing with Daddy

"Watching" Payton play in the pool outside

'Cousin' Katie Wiens "babysitting" Carter ALL BY HERSELF!

Carter & Uncle Scott

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Payton...
Big girl at the kitchen table

"If Carter can sit in here... so can I!"
Auntie Jenny reading Payton's favorite book

Payton isn't too sure what she thinks of eating sand...

And now for the two of them

Payton & Carter with their 'cousin' Koston Reimer

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I see your son he is sound asleep!! I love the picture of Carter, Payton and Koston! We should get a big group shot of ALL the kids as soon as Baby Brandsma is born!
