Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My First Post EVER!!!

So... I'm not claiming that this is a good blog or ever will be- it's simply some pictures, videos and information about our little family and what goes on in our lives. I'll try to keep you updated with pictures of Payton (the true reason anyone is looking) as well as pictures of the progress on our house.

I'm not too sure what to post first so I'll post a few pictures of Payton!
Payton likes to help me do chores around the house...problem is she can't walk yet so what would you do?
She can't walk, talk or use the washroom but she can read!

What a cutie! She has discovered her toes and laughs when she tickles them herself.


  1. Hi Kelly!
    I stumbled across this (great idea by the by) as I was looking for your email address. Payton sure is cute and I know Hunter would love to meet her! I sent an invite for the open house to your email account on Facebook. Hope you get it!
    Have a good one!

  2. I love, love, LOVE the picture of Payton reading in the tub! What a little smartie pants already! She must get it from her mommy!

  3. Yeah right... she was reading to me!
