Seein that Payton is 6 months old now. TJ and I decided it was time for her to start eating solid foods. She was definitely ready, she has been watching us eat our food and tries to grab it and put it in her mouth. To get her ready, we put her in her "highchair" and gave her a spoon to play with so she can become familiar with it before we jam it in her mouth.
What's this?
Look Mom, a spoon!
Ok Payton, hands down then food in
Yum, Yum. Yum
I don't need your help, I can do it all by myself!
That's funny, when I bite THIS I don't get in trouble...
I can get use to this!
Mmmmm... good 'til the last drop!
Based on these pictures, I think she enjoyed it :)
Based on this picture, it's hard to tell. Her face covered in food says "Yum, yum" but her expression may say differently.
Happy .5 Birthday Payton!! :)