I Can Crawl
I Can Nod
Payton has also shown us how smart she is. She nods her head a lot in agreeance (I hope she stays so compliant in the future).
I Can Get Messy
I Can Eat a Lemon
I Can Avoid Napping
I Can Lick My Lips
I Can Stay Cool
I Can 'Drink' Beer
I Can Make Noise
I Can Climb out of My Tub
I Can Put Mommy's Shorts On by Myself
We were off to a BBQ and I had been wearing shorts, it started getting cold out, so I switched into jeans (while TJ was driving). I put the shorts on the seat beside Payton and when we arrived, I noticed Payton had put my shorts on- one leg in each! They were however, put on backwards, but we were quite impressed!