Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our House... in the Middle of our Street... Our House...

The work on our house has been coming along very nicely. We have been so blessed to have so many helpers which include but are not limited to: Dad Bouwman, Dad Jette, Scott, Mom Bouwman, Calvin V, Bill V, Casey V, Mark W, Grandpa Jette, Mr. Suitor and of course TJ. This is basically what the house looked like before we started the renos and you'll see how much it has changed over these past few months.


The Back

The Front with roof coming off

The new second story complete with shingles and holes for windows

The stairs from the second story

The stairs from the main floor going up

The basement with all the walls knocked down and the stairs in

The concrete chipped out so that the plumbing can go in for the new bathrooms

TJ and Leon worked on this so much and look how beautiful!

This is a view of the main floor. It may be hard to see what everything is because there is still a lot of our stuff in the house that the guys have been working around. But hopefully it will give you an idea of what our house will look like.
The picture segment on the left: this is the right side of our house from back to the front (this wall faces South)our mudroom, then the bathroom and then the office.
The picture segment in the middle: this is the front side of our house it faces West. Stairs, front door then the living room.
The picture segment on the end: this is wher our new kitchen will be. Where our kitchen is now will be our eating area with patio doors leading off to our deck. 


This picture is our second story. It is taken from the top of the stairs- it's hard to see because of all the studs that are in the way for the 4 bedroom, and 2 baths we have upstairs. All you have to do is imagine a masterbedroom with an on-suite and a walk in closet and 3 kids bedrooms and a bathroom for them... and don't forget 2 linen closets.

TJ and Leon have been working very hard on our place. They have been coming right from work and working until at least 6:30 every night and then putting in long full days Saturdays. Because of their hard work, they have almost completed the plumbing (Leon) and the electrical (TJ). We are so blessed to have such smart, hard workers on our home. The new furnace is in along with all the vents and ducts. The next step is getting ready to install the pipes for Central Vac and then the City needs to inspect the the electrical and plumbing.

Monday, June 13, 2011

As Easy as 1, 2, 3...

Payton and I spent all weekend watching Daddy & Uncle Scott's hockey team play many hockey games in their national tournament. Payton was a good sport but it was hard missing almost every nap, but worse than that was not being able to lay down and just PLAY! So once we got home from the final game on Sunday morning (where they won silver!!!!), we layed Payton down on her blankets to play and after only a few minutes, she rolled over from her back onto her tummy!

She rolled over from her tummy to back almost 2 1/2 months ago and we were wondering when she'd go onto her tummy... well the wait is over! Now we have to keep an eye on her as she is constantly rolling over to play with her toys.

We can't believe we got her first attempt on video...
...Although it was not successfull her next attempt was!
We are so proud of Payton, but worried for us and how our lives have now changed FOREVER!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Super-Fantastic Jumper!

We bought Payton a Jolly Jumper and it was the best decision ever! She absolutely loves it. She does best in it when we are watching... our little we decided to out a mirror in front of her and she loves watching herself jump, play and smile. She goes in it at least once a day so these pictures and videos are from many different days over the past two or three weeks.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Who's the Fairest One of them All?
Payton thinks she is that's for sure!!!

Almost evryday while I'm making the bed, putting clothes away, or getting dressed I sit Payton in front of the mirror to talk to herself and look at herself. This gives me at least 10 minutes to complete some tasks and Payton has a blast. So... I guess it's my fault she likes herself so much!

I guess it's my fault since I encourage it!